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Exibindo 1–15 de 37 resultados
Mini-symposium 1: New Technologies and Applications in transcutaneous eletrical nerve stimulation (2024)
Mini-symposium 2: Robotics and the future of neurorehabilitation (2024)
Mini-symposium 3: Understanding the intervention of virtual reality and the marker of heart rate variability (2024)
Mini-simposium 4: The critical role of the prefrontal and frontal cortex (2024)
Mini-symposium 5: Basic principles and safety of transcranial direct current stimulation (2024)
Mini-simposium 6: Understanding transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation and the biomarker of heart rate variability (2024)
Mini-symposium 7: Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a marker and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders (2024)
Mini-symposium 8: Neuromodulation Protocols in Rehabilitation (2024)
Mini-symposium 9: Biomarkers and neuromodulation for stroke and motor recovery (2024)
Mini-symposium 10: EEG and Neurofeedback in Neuroscience, Neurorehabilitation and Psychiatry (2024)
Mini-symposium 11: Understanding the impact of exercise as a therapeutic tool in neuroscience (2024)
Mini-symposium 12: Principles of Transcranial pulse stimulation in neurological conditions (2024)
Mini-symposium 1: New Technologies and Applications in transcutaneous eletrical nerve stimulation (2023)
Mini-symposium 2: Robotics and the future of neurorehabilitation (2023)
Mini-symposium 3: Understanding the intervention of virtual reality and the marker of heart rate variability (2023)
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