Publicações / journal

The PPCR Journal is the official publication of the Scala Institute.

Globalization has contributed significantly to the organization of information in the various areas of knowledge, in order to make official the deeper search for a particular knowledge. Scientific works that seek results through categorical scientific methods and conclusions, by becoming public and open to debates on the knowledge developed in research, is a fundamental means for the dissemination and development of science. It facilitates the direction of research and the choices of where to invest more in scientific knowledge.

In the midst of the scientific community and part of its mission, the Scala Institute is glad to contribute with a new edition of a scientific journal that will bring recent research and updates on clinical research.

The Scala Institute has set up a scientific committee in order to create a scientific journal with the objective of providing a means for the publication of high quality scientific articles, thus promoting the work and training of clinical researchers. This new journal has an ISSN-International Standard Serial Number, which is the internationally accepted identifier for serial publications, with a defined use and established by the technical standard ISO 3297:2007 – Information and documentation.

The scientific journal is initially scheduled to be published every four months and has been open for new submissions since April 2015. In 2015, the Scala Institute presents its new scientific journal: Principles and Practice of Clinical Research. After compiling the approved works through the peer-review system, the journal will be made available here.

Submit your scientific work!

Check the submission rules ( As the journal aims to be an international publication, all information and article submission is formatted in English.

Yours sincerely


Felipe Fregni, MD, PhD, MPH

Editor chefe
Principles and Practice of Clinical Research


Edições / Issues

Principles and Practice of Clinical Research is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication directed to clinical researchers related to all aspects of clinical research, including conduct, design, analysis and ethics of clinical research. The journal also welcomes submission of preliminary research, as it can contribute to further clinical studies.

Anais / Annals

In this section you will have contact with the scientific works developed by the students which are exposed and discussed in our events. Great read and deep learning!!


XI Simpósio Internacional em Neuromodulação 531.15 KB 162 downloads

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X Simpósio Internacional em Neuromodulação 2.14 MB 70 downloads

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VIII Simpósio Internacional em Neuromodulação 1.52 MB 57 downloads

  São Paulo, Brasil, 29 a 31 de Agosto, 2016 Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 29th...

VII Simpósio Internacional em Neuromodulação 2.74 MB 46 downloads

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V Simpósio Internacional em Neuromodulação 2.62 MB 34 downloads

Organização/Organization: Felipe  Fregni,  Paulo  Boggio Edição  /Edition: Felipe...

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